Beautiful Peace. Harrowing Storms.

Sometimes you escape to a mountain getaway. You spend time breathing outside. Playing games with the kids. Sitting in awe of magnificent sunsets... and feeling like the world is as it should be. Then you find yourself less than 48 hours pumping out a faster than your personal average 5k repeating "None-of-this-is-a-su-prise-to-you" to God with... Continue Reading →

Crawling Toward Adoration

A few years ago I wrote an Advent devotional entitled "Draw Near." At the time I wrote it, it was one of those periods where it was "easier" than others to draw near to God. He felt close, he felt present. Life was smooth - if there's such a thing - and we cruised toward... Continue Reading →

God. Is. Steady.

To say we're experiencing a storm as a family right now is a giant understatement. It feels closer to a hurricane that throws some lightning bolts and a tornado or two out of no where from time to time. I'm not going to use this space to vent, or to over-detail - because I know... Continue Reading →

Stories: What Do We Do With Them?

It's dark outside. I'm sitting on our front porch, lights pouring out from the inside, sounds of nature and night surrounding from the outside. It's not an unusual spot for me to find myself. In fact, it's alone time I crave and take advantage of most evenings. But, tonight there's more on my mind than... Continue Reading →

Our Neighbors Bought a Boat

Our neighbors bought a boat. I know. What does that have to do with anything? Well... in our neighborhood, a little bit of everything and nothing at the same time. Let me step back. We were coming home from dinner with my in-laws last night for my husband's birthday (a precious time with family that... Continue Reading →

Words of Affirmation: Being Known

We talk a lot on here about knowing others and allowing ourselves to be known. It's something that's demonstrated time and time again in Biblical relationships, it's an integral part of relationship with our father in Heaven, and it matters so much in every day life. To do this walk the best way possible, we... Continue Reading →

The Hope of Spring

I'm not a winter person. Cold? I could do without it (at least I tell myself that almost every day in the winter!). It feels especially true right now here in our home: 5 of the 7 of us currently have COVID. It's not the week we were shooting for, but, here we are. And... Continue Reading →

Seasons of Connection

I'm not sure what the weather is like where you are, but here in Pennsylvania we're in that period of time where it might (unexpectedly) hit 60 degrees one day, then be snowing with a solid coating of ice the next (current situation). Because those of us living here are humans who tend to want... Continue Reading →

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